Pre Op Instructions for Sedation

This is a reminder that we are looking forward to seeing you on (date), for your surgical dental procedure. Since you will be given intravenous medication along with local anesthesia, you are required to comply with the following instructions.

  1. If you are scheduled for a morning surgery, do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your appointment.
  2. If you are scheduled for an afternoon surgery (1:00pm or after) you may have a light or liquid breakfast BEFORE 7:00am the day of your scheduled appointment. Liquids permitted: no pulp juice, black coffee, tea, clear broth. Foods permitted: toast (no butter), Jell-O, dry cereal (no milk). No sugar or dairy products.
  3. If our office has prescribed a prescription, please fill, and take as directed. If you have a known allergy to aspirin or any antibiotic, have ulcers or other health concerns related to these prescriptions, please inform us at the time of scheduling.
  4. The day prior to surgery, take 600mg of Motrin 4 times: At breakfast, lunch, dinner, and before bed.
  5. You must denote any medications you are taking at the time of scheduling the surgery. If there are any changes to your medications on the day of the surgery or prior to, please make sure to notify our office.
  6. If your physician has prescribed medications (i.e. blood pressure medication) continue to take them as directed the day of your surgery with a small sip of water. Insulin needs to be taken as directed either oral or injection. If your medication requires you to take it with food, please call our office.
  7. If you take any Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) on a daily basis, please DO NOT take daily for 2 weeks prior to surgery or 2 weeks after surgery. Most common types of NSAIDs are: Meloxicam, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Celecoxib, Aspirin*.
    *If the Aspirin dose exceeds 325 mg per day. If your daily dose exceeds 325 mg per day, you should decrease your dose to 325 mg per day or less, two weeks prior to surgery. If you are currently taking one baby aspirin (81mg) or one adult aspirin (325 mg) per day for the prevention of stroke or heart attack, you should continue taking this dosage for the duration of the dental implant process.
    You MUST discuss stopping these medications with your prescribing provider before stopping.
  8. Wear loose or comfortable fitting clothing. Long sleeved items need to fit over your arms and elbows easily and loosely. Short sleeves are ideal. Flat heel shoes are required.
  9. No facial makeup.
  10. No jewelry on your ears, neck, or wrists.
  11. No fingernail polish.
  12. Male patients need to be clean-shaven; however, it is not necessary to remove beards or mustaches.
  13. Bring any denture, partial or flipper that you are presently wearing with you to your appointment so if we need to adapt it we can do so.
  14. SMOKING IS NOT PERMITTED prior to or after the surgical procedure.
  15. Your designated driver needs to remain on the premises during your procedure.

If you have any questions, please contact our office. 614-885-1215 or

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