Occlusal Adjustment


A misaligned bite can cause a variety of dental issues. If left untreated, this condition can lead to problems such as worn teeth, bruxism, chronic muscle pains, and TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder. With an occlusal adjustment, our team at Oral Implants & Reconstructive Dentistry can make slight alterations to your bite to ensure your teeth come together properly when you close your mouth.

What is a Misaligned Bite?

A misaligned bite is most commonly known as malocclusion. This condition occurs when the teeth do not fit together properly as you close your mouth. Malocclusion puts pressure on certain teeth and can lead to chronic grinding and tooth damage. Over time, this issue may put a strain on your teeth, joints, and facial muscles.

Malocclusion is most often identified by worn teeth and strained muscles. If patients suffer from chronic headaches, neck pains, shoulder pains, and jaw tightness, we will check for a misaligned bite. When treated early, we can often reverse the negative side effects of this condition. If ignored, this condition may worsen and lead to severe tooth damage, gum recession, and TMJ disorder.

What Causes Malocclusion?

A bad bite can be caused by any number of things. Some patients begin to experience this condition after a dental injury. For others, this is caused by improper placement of a crown, filling, or other dental implants. Crooked teeth can also affect the bite and cause malocclusion. Some patients may start to have trouble with their bite for no reason at all, other than normal wear.

If you are experiencing any unusual pain or discomfort, please call our office right away. The sooner we identify the problem, the sooner we can provide treatment.

What Is the Procedure?

To begin, your teeth and jaw will need to be examined to determine if you need an occlusal adjustment. Malocclusion is generally a simple and straightforward treatment. First, Dr. Heller or Dr. DiDonato will have you bite on a piece of colored paper. This paper will leave behind traces of color on the teeth that are overly long or misaligned.

To adjust your bite, Dr. Heller or Dr. DiDonato will gently file down the colored surfaces of your teeth until your smile is even. The occlusal adjustment procedure may vary between cases. They will discuss the best treatment options with you before moving forward.

If you would like to learn more about occlusal adjustments or misaligned bites, please call our office today at 614-885-1215!

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